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Want To Exit Your Business

But Keep Your Income?

Many business owners feel  the only way to monetize their decades of hard work building their businesses is to sell them. For some, selling the business may be the best way to create wealth, but for others, selling an income-producing asset for less than it’s worth is a bad idea.


If you had an asset that paid a 33% annual return, would you sell it? Probably not-, but if you sell your business, that’s what you are doing. Most businesses sell for about three times annual earnings. You might be a much better investor than me, but that’s a tough return to get in the stock market.


So why would any business owner sell a 33% return asset only to switch it  to a 5% return asset? Frustration! Stocks and bonds do not require putting up with the headaches of owning a business, so owners take a lousy deal like it’s an aspirin.


There is another way – Half-Retirement.


We define Half-Retirement as working two half-days a week; doing only the work you enjoy; offloading  the work you don’t enjoy and keeping your income in perpetuity. It takes some work to get from where you are today to Half-Retired, but ask yourself, “If I  could work only two half-days a week, would I  sell the business?”  If the answer is  “No,” then consider Half-Retirement.

How To Half-Retire

In order to Half-Retire, you will need to change the way your business is run. If you are like most business owners, you are a vital cog in the gears that run the business. You will need to slowly remove the businesses’ dependence upon your “work” and shift to its dependence upon your wisdom and expertise. This shift will require:


  • A shift in your mindset from working-owner to equity-owner

  • A shift from an owner-centric business to an employee-centric business

  • A shift from people-based systems to operational systems

  • A bullet-proof daily methodology to protect your money

  • Your willingness to find enjoyment outside your business


Half-Retirement isn’t easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. Imagine doing only the work you enjoy, ditching the work you hate, and keeping your income, and keeping the business asset. Pulling off Half-Retirement can dramatically alter your financial future.


What You Need to Half-Retire


Game Plan

Cutting your workload to two half-days a week will require a proven plan



Accountability stinks if it feels like a beat-down. Use Positive Accountability instead to drive fast results.


Best Practices

Winning is hard without best practices. Learn hundreds of profit-accelerating shortcuts for you and your team.



Leverage a group of business owners and subject matter experts in the Carolinas and around the world who have waked in your shoes to help you Half-Retire.



What Is Included In Our Program

Half-Retire Boot Camp

This introductory program will help decide if half-retire is best for you and get you started on your road to half-retire.

Monthly Learning and

Development Session

Learn and work with other business owners, getting input and giving advice to develop each participant's own half-retire plan.

Monthly On-site

Implementation Session

Our experts help you and your team execute your half-retire blueprint, hands on at your operation.

Knowledge Base

Tap into our extensive database and get assistance from our subject matter experts for best practices, implementation advice, tips, shortcuts & more.

Craig Bowman

President, Construction Company

Before: CEO is only 44 years old but feeling burnt-out. He was so frustrated he was prepared to sell the business for only two-times earnings.
After: Business earning seven-figured each year which he is investing in his new real estate venture.  CEO is nearly Half-Retired.

Mike King

President, Manufacturer & Importer

I thought I would just shut down the business when I didn’t want to work anymore. By keeping my income in Half-Retirement, I can travel and enjoy my golden years.

Sheryl Winter

CEO, Distributor

The time we’ve invested in this program has been ground-breaking for me AND my team.

Reginald Jones

Owner, GIS software firm

Before: Heavy work-related travel and sixty-hour weeks
After: Spends most of the winter relaxing in Florida with the occasional check-in with the office.

Real World Examples

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